Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions, so we thought it would be a good idea to collect as many as we could and have them all on one handy page for you!

Why was “Rocking Sprocket” chosen as your name?

It was originally “Hydraulic Rotating Knocking Locking Rocking Sprocket” and it came from Emma’s (mum’s) time as a mechanic when she was younger. We thought it’d be easier and nicer if we shortened it a bit.

What is Home Education?

Home Education is the education of children or teens, that takes place in a variety of different places. Home Education can be full time or part time, but it generally never stops. Any moment can be turned into a lesson and it is usually child-driven. It is a way to encourage the child to learn about things they want to learn about without the pressure of a school-like environment.

Home Ed is very fluid and isn’t as regimented as many people think. One day, you could both be learning about Ladybugs, and the next, you could be teaching them about poets, or space, or gardening. The list is endless. You could spend a whole day out on a walk with them. It’s about them experiencing the world around them and learning from it in a way that is fun, and will get their mind engaged and racing.

Is Rocking Sprocket for adults or children?

Both! We talk a lot about Home Education, but that’s because it has been our life for a while now. We want to encourage kids to learn but we hope to do the same for adults too.

Many channels and experts out there forget that being a beginner at something can be challenging. Most educators and experts use lingo and jargon that seem impossible to get through and it can be daunting, even if you’re an adult. We want to help adults also realise that learning something from scratch, regardless of age, is possible, achievable, and nothing at all to be embarrassed about. If you’re an adult who hasn’t understood something that was explained to you, you are not the problem. You have the ability to learn it, it just needs to be explained differently and that’s okay.